Sunday, March 3, 2013

....and if you don't escape the spear?

Looking at the scripture that is the title of my blog, it is so sad when the abuser hurls the spear and it makes its mark, killing who it is flung at.

Watching the state of Arizona's trial against accused murderer Jodi Arias has brought that situation into focus.  She was (and is) filled with the wicked spirit of jezebel, which is a spirit of manipulation, intimidation and control.  Not being able to control her former boyfriend Travis Alexander, being rejected by him, made her fly into a rage that led to his murder.  Because if you don't agree with jezebel, her goal is to destroy you.

It angers me tremendously, as I'm sure it does other survivors of abuse, that Arias is using "abuse" as her defense.  She mocks any person (man or woman) who has truly been abused and she will pay for what she is doing.

In the trial, the prosecutor Juan Martinez is an amazing man I have tremendous respect for. She has tried playing the psychopath's games of manipulation, diversion, and frustration - yet he has remained steadfast.  He has even called her on her circuitous retorts, going into detail with her ridiculous evasive answers and pinning her down.  One example was her smug use of the description of Travis attacking her "like a linebacker"...."what exactly is 'attacking like a linebacker, ma'am?'"  She says she just shot him in the head (which the medical examiner says would have incapacitated him) and he's in a rage and gets physical with her.  Mr. Martinez makes her get up and demonstrate.  She's no sports expert; she has had years of experience using some manipulative words to fool people, so she wants you to assume if she says "like a linebacker", you aren't going to really know but just agree with her.  Now there are all kinds of sports experts on TV truly defining linebacker moves, making a mockery of her description and exposing her ignorance.

Most people not filled with the Holy Spirit have a difficult time comprehending the spiritual battle that is the TRUE battle occurring in our lives.  What we do in the physical world is a manifestation of the greater battle going on around us, the one that influences us to do what we do.  That's why we say that people "have the devil in them", or they "light up a room when they enter it".  These are the spirit parts of us connecting to our physical parts, we generally call it intuition or gut feeling.  Arias has been described by many as having an evil aura, or something just didn't feel right when people were in her presence.  People are sensing the spiritual evil she is allowing to control her and they shuddered at the magnitude of its influence.  Rather than saving her sexuality for a GOD-sanctioned union, she used her sexuality as a tool to fulfill her selfish desires.  Woe to those who succumbed to that manipulation!  In his heart, Travis knew what he was doing was shameful, and he tried to do whatever he could to keep her out of his life, yet it was not a test he could pass.  He would still be alive had he simply told her not to visit and changed his security codes so she could not enter his apartment.  I doubt any stories she has told that appear he wanted her to visit him in Mesa; he was relieved she had moved away and had even expressed concern to his friends that she may be dangerous....

We are all in love with justice.  Many of us were angry that OJ Simpson was acquitted and that Casey Anthony was allowed to go free.  We are praying this case will not again disappoint us in the way our justice system works in the United States of America.  I pray that the jurors are given the gift of discernment and are able to see through her manipulations and lies.  I pray we, as a society, judge this woman as the LORD would have us do - not in an eternal way, but in this life.  In ALL cases, the LORD is the final judge over all and I would not want to be any of the people mentioned in this paragraph on the day they stand before GOD ALMIGHTY.  It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD.....

I say this prayer in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen (So be it!)

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