Thursday, November 22, 2012

The mind of a serial abuser.....

I was watching an interesting show on the Investigation Discovery channel called "My Brother the Serial Killer".  It was about a man from Kentucky named Glen Rogers, who went on a cross-country killing spree in the 80's.  He claimed he had killed 70 people, mostly women.

What struck me when I watched this show was that men who murder women have several things in common.  Generally they have an abusive childhood in a dysfunctional family.  And they usually have an intense and deep-seated hatred of their mother.

Although the bagad has yet to physically murder a woman, all of his relationships show his hatred of them.  Women are not unique and special people to him, they are the representation of "the mother".  Like a serial killer, the bagad has learned to charm his way into their lives so he can "rule over them" as tyrant and despot.  At the point of his being in my life, it had only been verbal, but since he has been arrested for battery perhaps it has escalated.  Beware ladies, the moment his facade of a life has been exposed, you must be put away.  You no longer serve the functions of sexual release and caretaker, you now become a liability.  And that's all you are - he does not care for you one bit.  His only purpose for getting to know what you may like is to manipulate you, not because he gets any joy out of your joy.

No matter how the bagad has acted or what he says, he HATES his mother.  She may be dead, but his hatred is still part of who he is.  She abandoned him to the father who then abused him, and that is why he hates her.  And why he hates all women.  Mommy failed in her duty to protect the child and she must pay.....through other women.

I have always thought he could easily become a murderer, but he fears crossing that line.  His daddy did show him he could demean and degrade a woman and she would stay, just like harry's relationship with June.  The bagad constantly asked me how a man could make a woman stay with someone who was a scumbag, and I told him it was all about bribery.  But that didn't work with me, I was sold out to love and you can't bribe someone who doesn't have what you want.  Because I was so naive about abuse, I thought he would actually change.  That's why I stayed five years....but after reading Patricia Evans book, I realized he wouldn't change.

The bagad is a murderer in his heart.  He seeks to destroy any woman he is with by verbally abusing her.  He is deceptive and manipulative, trying his best to remove the woman from her family (her source of support).  He tries to re-create his mother's abandonment by telling the woman not to associate with her children, just like he experienced with his mommy.  Then his hate and mistreatment of them is justified in his very sick mind.

Yeshua says that the one who is angry is as much a sinner as the murderer.  Matthew 5:22-24  There are many, many scriptures in regards to uncontrolled anger such as the bagad has exhibited.  Were he the man he says he is, he would repent.   Sadly, there are more men like him on this earth than there are good, decent, GOD-fearing men.  Sorry to say my maturity I have just seen too much.

So, on this Thanksgiving Day, 2012, I thank the LORD for delivering me from the treacherous one I was once with.  I also pray, LORD, that you continue to keep those women in Your care who encounter the bagad.  Expose his deception quickly and let them know You love them; not to listen to his lies that they are worthless.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Yes LORD!!!!!!!!

I wake up in the morning and absolutely love YOU, my LORD!

Life is good.  May I live it to glorify YOUR Name!
