Sunday, October 17, 2010

Who really practices witchcraft?

As I was reading an awesome book by John White called THE COST OF COMMITMENT, I was reminded of those like my abusive former husband. Those who seek to control the circumstances around them and control the lives of others.

I once practiced witchcraft, calling myself wiccan and learning of nature and healing herbs. Now, of course, I reject the notion of controlling my environment with "spells", I belong to my L_RD and Savior Yeshua HaMashiach. I know that seasons and living with the natural world was honored and respected by Yeshua, for HIS Father created the universe and the times and seasons. It has been so healing to watch a plant grow from seed, to bear fruit for us to enjoy, to relate this to our own life and the seasons and cycles we experience.

Yet how many do I know who "pray" for their way? Who seek to think their view and perspective of the world and events in it should be subject to their "wisdom" and "great understanding"? The bagad (name I give my treacherous ex) kept prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem because of the gay parades scheduled to take place there. And he was pleased of the prospect that they should be destroyed - as per his judgment. Often his "prophecies" proved false, but he considered himself clever when he twisted them around a bit to suit the circumstances. It was all rather funny to watch, I was embarrassed for him.

One of the justifications he gave others for divorcing me was that I still practiced witchcraft. This is a lie, but it is clear the bagad is one who bears false witness. G_D will be the judge of the truth, and I have no need to fear. It seems it is just another one of his sins "projected" onto me. The bagad lives very similarly to king saul. And Samuel the prophet made things very clear when saul was rejected as king when he disobeyed the L_RD in 1 Samuel 15:23 "...for rebellion is as the sin of divination; and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry." At that time, saul's excuses had come to an end. Just like the bagad's excuses to mistreat and disrespect a woman because his mother neglected and abandoned him. His witch-craft is to re-create his relationship with his mama with every woman he becomes intimate with. He seeks to destroy mama as represented by "woman" - he can keep his destructive, soul-killing words to her private in his house. And he tells the world she is the best thing that ever happened to him - just like he tells the world he loved his mama.

We are told to treat those who are disobedient as pagans, excluding them from our presence. In the Old Testament, G_D did not want HIS people associating with unbelievers. Of course, the bagad considers himself a believer. And yes, I know he has asked Yeshua to be his Saviour, that is why I was very clearly told not to stretch out my hand against the L_RD'S anointed (1 Samuel 24:10-13) Whatever becomes of the bagad will be none of my concern, as he is now handed over. His great lust to control his environment denies trust in G_D. Not trusting G_D leads you to act without HIM, not considering HIS will - and that is rebellion and disobedience.

So, who practices witchcraft today? Who lives in G_D'S will? Who lives in their own will?